Saturday, November 18, 2006

Skirts are winter clothing items. Fact.

So I have to apologize for the lack of pictures contained herein. It's not a question of ability, mind you, there are photographs, contained in the convenient digital medium of a standard camera memory card. However, you must understand the camera itself is in my coat pocket, which is not in the same room as this laptop. There is a staircase. I knew you'd be sympathetic.

Having just indulged in a meal composed of fish and also chips, I feel I have become cognizant of exactly everything to do with the English lifestyle. To contrast it directly with the American equivalent, the lifestyle I mean, would be complete folly. Sure, there are similarities, usually in the visual style i.e., it may look like chocolate, and the texture may be very chocolatey indeed, but to say that American chocolate and English chocolate are the same is, as they might say, proper retarded. For your information, English chocolate is better. It's like the Americans had a vague notion of what chocolate should be like, even mixing the correct ingredients, but before they could create the product a massive earthquake sundered the very ground beneath them, and instead of making chocolate they ended up making complete shit. I'm not really sure how exactly the earthquake came to adjust the results, but seriously, the gulf is so vast it would surely take some climactic near-apocalypse to replicate the same monstrosity.

For the record, I used to think chocolate was OK. Not great, and not worth having in any regular fashion. I now eat chocolate after every meal. It's like sex in your mouth. I have absolutely no fathomable idea why English people stay thin. One comment I have made, which confused Christine greatly, was my befuddlement (fun fact: I had originally written "dumbfoundedness," but apparently the British English dictionary extension I've installed refuses to acknowledge its wordliness.) at the idea that English people are unafraid to eat. And by that, I mean eat crap. Are you aware of what a (full) English Breakfast is? It's fried eggs, fried bacon, fried sausages, fried beans, fried tomatoes, fried mushrooms, and buttered toast. Fried. Sometimes, you may also get hash browns. It's a particularly violent way to dine the morning of a particularly violent hangover, which is every morning.

Anyway, while any self-conscious American female (heh) would never be caught dead eating anything fattier than raw broccoli in public, no such restriction exists here. There are always long lines leading away from take-away curry houses at all times of the night, and the German Christmas market swarms with people carrying bratwurst and other coronary atrocities.


I used to think a month of insipid Christmas music in every store was a difficult cross to bear. Recall Thanksgiving is not a recognized holiday in, well, any other part of the world. A damn shame, to be sure, but not just because others do not have holidays in which the entire idea is to indulge in ridiculous gluttony. No, because without Thanksgiving, Christmas starts November 1st. It simply cannot be described. We have been, for several weeks now, in full-on Christmas Advertisement Mode (tm). Lights, music, the whole bit. It's not even as if the good folks of Great Britain with whom I have spoken believe otherwise, or have become so steeped in tradition as to herald this holiday's explosion into existence the beginning of the eleventh month and the commercial horror it brings.

Worse, it's totally working. I am well aware that continuing exposure is going to get me really excited. But, thanks to my internal Christmas clock being completely fucked, my brain is simply not aware of how long I have to resist the siren's call. At this rate, I'll hit holybatshitit'salmostCHRISTMASOMGOMG right around December 7th.

So, if I start singing along before December 24th, you have my permission to slap me in the face. Or, you know, um...sing with me.

Love you all! More comin.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

So I'm in Leeds

It's been far too long, I know. When we last left our hero, he was still in America. A place where, as I understand it, there are states.

The uni is a city campus, so the old and graceful architecture of the university is entirely indistinguishable from the old and graceful architecture of the city of Leeds. In fact, there is at least one libary here which has since been converted into a bar. Called, oddly enough, "The Library."

On one side of the city are a number of very large and ill-lit (in the perpetual night of northern England) parks. These parks are gorgeous if solely for the matter of their cleanliness, a fact which remains a mystery to me. It has nothing, I've decided, to do with the CCTV cameras which now number 1 for every 14 people living in the country, nor the 500 pound (that's more than 900 US Dollars for those keeping track at home) fine levied for the egregious infraction of littering.

I've compared the fashion-obsessed city of Leeds to sort of an English Montreal. Only, the city is quite old, and the persons therein tend to speak English, rather than French. Indeed, this confused me utterly (and still does occasionally), as I am now present in a foreign place, and I am able to understand the native inhabitants. It often surprises me, sometimes mid-conversation, that listening to the words being spoken will produce understanding. The idea that I would be able to conversate in the common tongue, while sound in theory, becomes further alien to me whenever I hear the jarring tone of my own accent being produced.

Communicative issues aside, the city is beautiful and I'm loving every moment of being here. Expect further updates from the front line in the very, very near future.


Friday, September 29, 2006

"Yar." - A pirate

You're at a TOOL concert and the skies have been thoroughly unkind, erupting in a torrential downpour upon the entire outdoor arena where hundreds of fans wait in eager anticipation of the events to come. Suddenly, the band takes the stage to a deafening roar of applause! As the music tears through the night, one by one there can be seen a small beacon shining in the place of every soul facing the wall of brilliant sound.

It is a cell phone.

If there exists a top ten list for "Signs you work at a cell phone company," this would be about eight of them: And all at once, you feel a great disturbance in the force! It as if a million voices suddenly cried out in unison, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T REPLACE MY PHONE IT NEVER GOT WET I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU CAN'T JUST GIVE ME A NEW ONE I MEAN I NEVER DROPPED IT IN WATER OR ANYTHING WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS IT CAN'T BE WET I DON'T UNDERSTAND"

But seriously, it was fucking great. We were cold and tired and very, very, very wet, but TOOL is simply unbelievable. As a band it is difficult to comprehend the magnitude of their excellence, and every inch of it was relayed in concert. My missed a show.

And the mud moshing.

The set list, for anyone who cares, looked something like this:

The Pot
Something I forget
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
10000 Days
I forget this one too

Till next time!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

::sniff sniff::

Smell that? THAT is the smell of fall. The crisp air of impending seasonal depression is upon us, and I think we can all agree it smells awesome. I have a number of wonderful things to inform you, readers that I might call my own (and I guess christine's as well), so let's get right to it.

First and most importantly, I have quit my job as of the end of this month. Yes, this is sad and terrible and will usher in a new age of eternal woe and misery upon the hapless other workers at the big V, or so they tell me. Usually in high-pitched whines, or whinges, as it has now come to be known. Sucks for them. My final day with the cellular monstrosity occurs All Hallow's Eve this year, hence the dark (read: cliched) theme I fully intend to abuse in this here blog thing until such a time as Oct 31st passes. Then I can write with a food theme perhaps? Or just ignore thanksgiving and write snowy for two months. We will, as the wise men say, cross that bridge when we come to it, which burns down, casting its contents into a firey chasm of unknown horror.

Halloween is fucking great.

Annnnyhoo. So I'm gonna geek out a moment, as the all-important First Paragraph has been past, and thus I can reasonably assume anyone reading this either cares, or is quite bored. The other day, working late and dicking around in the back with some coworkers, a distraught girl wandered up to the counter, wishing to know if there was any way we could transfer the phone contacts from her old phone to her new one, as this would take bloody ages to do by hand. Being the champion of distraught girls everywhere, I boldly took the phone from her hand and went to work. The contacts wouldn't transfer, of course--having the data port torn from the phone in what I can only imagine was a violent (losing) battle with a pair of needle-nose pliers will do that--but as I handed the phone back, I opened the phone absentmindedly to appear as if I was attempting to solve the problem in a handy sort of way despite the circumstances. I closed the phone. Then I opened it again, lest my eyes deceive me. There, in all its backlit LCD glory, was the image of a rather menacing-looking dragon. A...Magic: The Gathering dragon. A Niv-Mizzet, to be precise. And like the incredibly silly geek that I am, I got really excited and bantered with her about magic for a while. I was quite certain that, had Christine been there, she would have laughed hysterically for perhaps hours. And then maybe disemboweled her, after she came back in to chat again. Had to get the halloween part in there somewhere, right?

Either way, this was all strikingly relevant, as days later I went to a tournament for the game with my dear friend (hot) Paul. All I can say is...

Me: Wow, what are the chances of that?

Paul: About one in twenty.

Until next time, my dear readers. Tool concert Thursday. You bet your ass I'm writing about that.


Monday, September 11, 2006

poetic, natch

"the complicated thing about buttons, is not the buttons, but rather the button holes."

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Titles are for pansies. Wait...

Good morning friends and actively stalking enemies! Given that I have done very little this morning--other than determining the Magic: Online server is down for maintenance--I figured I could say a few words to the ether about some things we all care about. Like, um...pants. And maybe Facebook.

First of all, I am well aware this blog feeds directly into my Facebook Notes, and thus to the Grand Universal Feed of Everything You Never Needed to Know (GUFEYNNK). This may cause a small modicum of confusion to those unaware of this blog's existence. One, it's a team blog. That means more than one person writes in it. Thus, despite the fact that it shows up in your nifty feed thing, it might not be my own. At present, the lovely Christine Cambrook (whom I adore, natch) is the only other contributor. Two, if you don't click "Read More" or "Read Original Post" or whatever, you only get the first paragraph and are MISSING OUT. Obviously this second point is utterly worthless, as if you're reading it you've already made it to the coveted second paragraph, or already read our blog. If you already read our blog, you also run the risk of not having facebook and therefore not knowing what the hell I'm talking about. This is probably not a new concept for you.

I'll expound simply. Facebook is a wondrous social network. It has the capability to form links between persons through friends, relationships, pictures, classes, interests, events, blogs, and more. In the past, whenever a link was created or destroyed, you had to actually take the time to look at a person's social presence and note the differences. Now that information is fed to you wholesale in one contiguous avalanche of comments and social activity. Given the backlash against this, I'd wager it will be removed shortly. Before it does, though, I guess I'll add my two cents.

First of all, I'm in favor of it for a few reasons. One, I've generally lost interest in Facebook. Not attending the University any longer, and thus not being a part of any of the zany antics documented therein, I can't possibly justify running from profile to profile checking to see what went down at Chitterin Chet's Wacky Luau o' RUM and whether or not anything juicy occurred. While I might care about the people attending it, I can't possibly be bothered to care about the details. The Facebook feed gives me a general zeitgeist (look it up) that is easily digested. It fits perfectly into the current internet news formula as well: Interesting stories are written, summarized and listed elsewhere, those summaries condensed into headlines elsewhere, headlines ranked according to popularity elsewhere, and from there people pick and choose the news and depth into the stories as they please. The Feed does everything but the last bit there, though I'd be willing to bet it would have been added in the future should this have proved popular.

Two, it means 186 people--or however many Facebook friends I happen to have at the moment--are notified whenever this blog updates. That's pretty fucking exciting for me! Is it gonna change my tone at all? Hell no. They'll ignore the Feed entry if they don't care, and I'm fine with that. The prospect of even one additional reader/commenter is delightful, however, and whoever you are, thanks for reading. Now read the archives. DO IT.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

things that go buzz in the night

there is a daddy-long-legs buzzing around my lamp. It is freaking me out. Interestingly, or not, what I call a daddy-long-legs (hyphons??opinion?) is a different insect to what the 'merkins call the very same name. Apparently yours is some kind of a spider. Ours is clearly superior, having wings and all. And no, i do not have psychic powers or an other-worldly connection with Steve Irwin,.. the woman on the face paint stand chose a crocodile for me! I wanted a lizard!
Also, this is hilarious... World of Warcraft -Adam, its all for you.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Never smile at a crocodile

for many years, I have harboured a longing, hidden deep within the dark recesses of my being. For although I live a mere 40 minutes out of London (depending on the traffic/weather/almighty's mood) I have never attended the Notting Hill Carnival. Until today. Hooray, I hear you all shout !!
I now have a pink crocodile painted on my face, with teeth that nicely coincide with mine. Plenty of compliments/pitying looks have been enjoyed. My lovely friend Heather had her face painted as a butterfly, a rather more classic look, complete with glitter. A man with a megaphone in the tube station preferred hers to mine, but what can you do. Sadly our male friends declined to be painted. There is little doubt in my heart that had Mike been there, I would have been walking accompanied by spiderman. The rest of the carnival was really good too, beer, drum and bass in the middle of the street, nearly naked dancers, yada yada, but.. face painting!
Also, the other day I was contemplating the splendour of life whilst out walking the dog, and got dragged into a patch of stinging nettles whilst she ran through a hedge and chased a chicken. I can't help but feel someone up there was laughing at me. That story should have been set up sooo much better, but I am an engineer, apologies.

Friday, August 25, 2006

It''s....A THING!

As many, if not all, of my loyal following are aware, ThinkGeek is a wonderous place full of very, very shiny things. Very shiny. So what did I find when I opened the box bearing the mark of the very same company this afternoon? A BOOKWORM PLUSHIE FROM CHRISTINE!

Hell yeah. Bookworm rules. Not that I'd ever obsessively play that at all.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Oh emm gee

There comes a time in any man's life where he must attend training for the big V sales floor. It's not entirely unlike kindergarten, in that the bulk of your time is spent playing games designed to augment your self-worth and the self-worth of your classmates. Key differences include being paid buckets, and smoke breaks.

It occurs to me that I should try to talk about those interesting aspects of my life, the set of which includes all places I do not, generally, spend a mere 50% or so of my waking life. At any given non-Verizon time (abbv. !V), I can be found climbing, gaming, going to the gym, and/or abusing internet telephony to speak with my lovely other half over the pond for free or Damn Near It. Ironically, at present we are spending a great deal less (this cannot be overstated, I mean hundreds of dollars) to talk now that we are separated by continent than when she was within this country and merely far away.

I agonized over comma placement in that sentence for nearly 15 minutes. That may very well be a giant, snaggle-toothed, over-hyphenated, and bold-faced lie.

Relevantly, this morning we were asked to write a description of ourselves from a small quiver of nonsense ego-boosters (such as "professional"...HA), and then to translate that into a license plate which would be both creative and not so difficult the slow folks wouldn't be able to figure it out. I chose, and this is PURE, UNREFINED CREATIVITY: "Fun-Spirited One-Stop-Source." From this, I orginally crafted HYPHENS as an easy plate absolutely no one would fail to distinguish from my chosen intrinsics. After more thought, I went with ALL4ONE, as this may or may not share a name with an R&B band I once helped karaoke with a hilarious bunch of swishy fruits named Mike. I swear (HA) I am not making this up.


By the moooon and the stars in the skyyyyy
I'll beee there (I'LL BE THEERRREE)


Thursday, August 17, 2006


after considerable coaxing from the delightful Seiler, [one of them, but you know which one I mean] I appear to be adding something to this spiffing blog. I'm not really sure yet about etiquette and such, but one only learns by trying. As I speak Mike is doing his best two upload a horrendous picture of the two of us, so as to scare of any unwanted bystanders. This is all I have to say right now, because I am sure you emphatically do not want to hear about how my day was spent stuffing envelopes with free gifts for an insurance company, nor how I spent the evening tying gold ribbon around pink napkins. Fare thee well, broccoli.

O Frabjous Day! Calloo...

etc. So I hear Jonbenet Ramsey's killer finally got nabbed! I was worried, you know, for a moment, that the killer would never be brought to justice. Then I saw something shiny, and honestly I forget the rest.

Welcome to my humble abode! Apologies for the not-so-deft second posting, but I've been quite busy. You see I have this job-thing, which has been beneficial solely for this really neat system they "in the know" like to call "Health Insurance," or "If I give you money and then crush my pelvis in a freak see-sawing accident, I won't have to pay for it." I am now employed with the big V, yes, that's Voldemort (colloquially: Verizon), and charged with the dubious honour of informing customers how it was exactly little Timmy managed to charge 6000 text messages to their account, when his service plan clearly ceased to cover the cost of such an absurd communications medium approximately 5900 text messages earlier. "Not Timmy," they might say, "he has great difficulties putting on pants in the morning, let alone utilizing such an impossibly complex piece of telecommunications equipment I still consult the manual for each time I want to make a call, get frustrated, give up and then write a letter." Not to worry, I remind them. Did you know your son is also being charged to receive messages? Ah yes, this must be it. Timmy is wholly absolved of all responsibility, as clearly his friends have sent him 6000 text messages. Would that all children had as much such discipline as little Timmy!

At which point -- and I swear I am not making this up -- the mother proceeded to wander aimlessly around the store proclaiming this dire truth (our children are text messaging victims) to such likely parental sources as mothers, fathers, and bill payment kiosks.

But I don't mean to brag. Honestly, though, I love my job, and am quite thankful that it generously provides enough "bread", as it were, to allow me to focus on my dream of moving to England this fall. Yes, that's still coming. When there's a date, you will know. Because it will have passed and I will be updating abroad.

Hell yeah.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Update your bookmarks! Sorry about the abrupt redirection, but xanga apparently doesn't support the whole "delay" thing. Fuckers.

Welcome to the NEW SITE. Zifty is a name I'm officially retiring. I've been using buttons for longer and honestly the name "zifty" was a bastardization of "nifty" I'd concocted once while heavily intoxicated, so you'll forgive me if I don't exactly consider it sacred.

I've chosen blogspot because it has an orange logo, and because anything google owns is probably something I should be worshipping, anyway. I mean, I'm just sayin'.

There's a strong chance I'm going to update this on a briskly regular basis, so keep your eyes peeled (ew?) and your fingers firmly nestled in the soft groove of the "F5" button.

That's "refresh" for anyone that thinks their mouse is the holy grail of navigational productivity tools, or happens to be clinically retarded.
